Logan Rinehart is a pitcher in the MiLB currently playing for the Aberdeen IronBirds, a High-A affiliate of the Baltimore Orioles.
After his 2023 season, Logan shares that PowerPlay has become an important part of his training and recovery routine.
“It’s part of my routine every day after games or workouts. On a heavy day, I might use it twice… Maybe once at the facility and once at home.”
Logan’s Favorite Wraps
You’d expect baseball to be hard on the upper body, but this year, Logan was surprised at how often he used his 360 knee wrap for his lower body too.
“Truthfully, I can say the knee wraps have been a lifestyle changer. I didn’t know how big of a weight-bearing load my lower body was going to take this year. Knee wraps after the game makes me feel refreshed.
In the past, Logan also used an elbow wrap for injury recovery, and he says it was “phenomenal” for reducing inflammation.

The Power of Cold Compression
As a pro athlete, Logan is no stranger to ice, but he especially loves the PowerPlay pump’s intermittent compression capabilities.
“I’m really big on blood flow restriction and release. Blood is the ultimate healer for the human body. How can I get my blood flowing? How do you get blood flow activated?”
“The rhythm is different — when it compresses and releases. I just know that when I’m done using powerplay, I feel a lot better.”
Logan typically utilizes cold compression after games, but sometimes, he skips the ice gel pack to do a quick compression-only session before games as well.
“One of my favorite recovery techniques is using my PowerPlay unit for compression only. This helps “Flush” my arm out, allowing for a quicker recovery after heavy throwing sessions.”

Unmatched Portability
Logan has used various recovery products at home and in the training room, and he says PowerPlay’s portability is a game changer.
“It’s so easy and accessible… [other cold compression systems] are just so hard to lug around. Once they’re on, you can hardly move.”
On the road, he’s also a big fan of the PowerPlay kit bag.
“There are so many compartments and zippers, I feel like it’s a little tackle bag. It’s easy to keep organized. As an athlete, I like my stuff to be very organized.” Cheer on Logan Rinehart!
We can’t wait to see what Logan’s athletic career has in store for him.
You can follow his journey @logan_rinehart on Instagram.
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